52 Weeks of Gratitude: Week 2

52 Weeks of Gratitude - Week 2 | Petite Dreamer

I started out the week with more stress than I intended. I began thinking about having to pay for my own health insurance in less than a month and how I also would like to buy a house and pay for a wedding. I’m insane, I know. When I started to feel like I was losing my mind, I thought about what I am grateful for that keeps me grounded.

Here are a few things I’m grateful for this week:

1. Meditation

I have been meditating most nights before bed. This is definitely the key to relaxing for me.. I am grateful for the numerous resources available out there, especially youtube where I can find the kind of meditation I’m looking for. I’ll be doing a post soon on my favorite ways to de-stress.

2. Friends!
It’s a friends weeks and I love it. With my fiance’s schedule, I spend more time alone than I should (#introvertproblems). I’m working on hanging out with and making more friends. On Wednesday, I went shopping a friend from work. Friday was a double date with my bestie. Tonight, I will be hanging out with work friends! It’s definitely much needed. I am so grateful for them too <3 They all keep me sane and happy.

3. My orchid

Valentine’s Day 2015, Brian and I got caught in a terrible snow squall coming home from thrift shopping, so neither of us made it out get each other gifts. The next day, we went to home depot for something and I saw this gorgeous orchid. It was pricey (probably $20), but he would rather get a plant then fresh cut flowers. Once the blooms fell off and it seemed dead, I continued putting ice cubes in the pot every few weeks. The leaves were still green and that told me it was still thriving. I didn’t know anything about orchids.

I eventually trimmed the stem, hoping it would grow again. Brian learned from a friend the secret to taking care of orchids. It needs to soak in water for 5 minutes about once a week. I started doing that. The leaves were happy again and something appeared to be poking out between two leaves. I kept taking care of it and by Valentine’s Day 2016, I had blooms again.

I am grateful for this orchid because it reminds me of how much Brian loves me. It also reminds me that if you nurture something and have patience, it will slowly grow into something so beautiful. Watching the life cycle of the orchid is absolutely amazing (and it’s about the only thing I can grow).

What are you grateful for this week?

Want to join this challenge? Let me know! I would love to check out your posts!

52 Weeks of Gratitude - Week 2 | Petite Dreamer

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