Friday was my birthday. The big 2-6. For some reason, the week leading up to my birthday is always full of curve balls. To be honest, I did have a meltdown one day, but I accepted it, felt through the emotions, and then thought about what I can be grateful for in this situation. It helped me overcome the negative emotions pretty quickly. I ended up having a great birthday and enjoying an delicious meal from Ruth Chris Steakhouse with my family.
This week I am grateful:
1. Random warm weather (conveniently, my birthday week)
Pittsburgh is known for having all four seasons in one day, so it was no surprise that we had a random spring-like week at the end of February. I enjoyed the weather by having the windows open most of the week. I didn’t get to take walks like I had planned because I still haven’t fully recovered from my surgery, but actual spring will be here soon. I am grateful for the break in winter weather.
2. A closet full of clothes
Most mornings I was frustrated with finding something to wear for work. Now that I think about it, I am grateful for to have a closet full of clothes and the funds to buy more if I need to. The warm weather made it difficult since my wardrobe is setup for winter right now, but I figured it out 🙂
3. This project
This gratitude writing challenge has had a very positive impact on my life so far, just 4 weeks into it. When I get frustrated or stressed, I take a deep breath and think about what I am grateful for. Using this method to calm myself has worked amazingly.
ps. The picture in the feature image with my name spelled as “Jessie” is a childhood nickname that isn’t even spelled correctly, lol.
What are you grateful for this week?
Want to join my gratitude writing challenge? Let me know! I would love to read your posts!