I know, I’m a little behind on posting this gratitude post. After traveling and coming back to extremely cold weather, I was very run down. I am still recovering a cold that started early last week. However, sometimes you need a reminder to slow down. It’s not easy for me, but I had to. That leads me to the very thing I am grateful for last week…
I am grateful for knowing when I need to create space in my life. It is my understanding that “creating space” is about taking time to just go with the flow and to take care of your own needs. I came back from Florida to an apartment that needs cleaned and decluttered from top to bottom, but I couldn’t do that. At the beginning of the week, I felt so tired and took 2-hour naps when I got home from work. I rarely do that, but when I do, it means that there is something going on.
I beat myself up the first couple days for not having the energy or “motivation” to take care of the usual household chores. But then I realized, I need to rest and see what I need mentally, emotionally, and physically in the evenings after work. Most evenings, I took a nap, drank tea, and watched tv or read a book. On Thursday, I went to hot yoga which helped my stress and allowed me to stretch.
We all need to create space in our lives. Even if it’s just an evening after work, put away the to do list and listen to your body and mind. Do you need a night to relax on the couch with a cup of tea and a good movie? Do you need a hot detox bath and a manicure? Do you need a long nap? DO IT! If you push yourself, you’re going burn out. I know that if I hadn’t listened last week, I would be a lot sicker than I was. I can’t afford the medical bill or to take time off right now, but even if you can, you still need to respect your needs.
Be grateful for connecting with your body and mind. Be grateful for creating space. The to do list can wait, I promise.
What were you grateful for last week?
feature image photo credit: pixabay