2018 Goals

I’m a little late to the party, but I’m ready to share with you my goals for 2018. I don’t set resolutions, but I do take the time to write down what I want to do and accomplish each year. Every year that I have done this, I have completed almost everything on my...

Dreamin’ Big

Dreaming Big

As I was looking through blog post ideas, I found one that said to write about your dreams. I realized then that I hadn’t really dreamed in a while and that I’ve settled for a very comfortable reality. It’s not that I don’t like my life, that’s not true at all. Are there things...

2017 Goals

2017 Goals - Petite Dreamers

Most people talk about the “resolutions” that they make every New Year. I’m more of a fan of the word “goals”. Each year, I make a list of goals that I would like to achieve, whether it’s places I would like to travel or things I would like to achieve. Usually I am eager...

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